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      Daniel Engel AZHIAZIAM TEAM Downhill Skater Interview

      Daniel Engel AZHIAZIAM TEAM Downhill Skater Interview - Azhiaziam



      This is our first ever TEAM RIDER interview at the AZHIAZIAM Warehouse in Morro Bay California. Daniel has been a part of the AZHIAZIAM Family for about 10 years and currently sits at number three spot in the World. The volume was a little low, so you might want to turn it up on your computer and also hit the "CC" for closed captions if you want to read along. We hope you enjoy this interview as much as we did! Thanks for watching :) Videos

      INTERVIEW: Live Interview with Daniel Engel 1/31/2019

      Daniel Engel, Azhiaziam team rider and one of the world’s top professional downhill skateboard champions is at the Azhiaziam warehouse in Morro Bay, California to talk about his downhill skateboarding career and what he’s been up to lately.

      Daniel grew up in Bakersfield, California and started street skating with his friends at a young age. He was largely influenced by the culture of competition between him and his friends, mainly his best friend Aaron who was always pressuring him to “go harder”. After a series of life-changing events, Daniel eventually decided to make skating his main focus. He quickly realized that he was most interested in going fast and staying ahead of other competitors - making downhill racing the main focus of his trajectory. In the Fall of 2016, he quit his job at the sheet mill and started racing professionally. Now at 27 years old, he completed five years of downhill racing and moved on to finish two full seasons of the World Cup Circuit.

      There have been a slew of positive influences throughout Daniels skateboarding career so far. He attributes a lot of his success to his closest friends. But also mentions Daewon Song, Chris Haslam, Chris Cole, Pedro Barros, the Rogers Brothers, and also his close friends Max Capps and Tim Del. Also Key Dougherty, and Ryan Ricker, who he credits for getting him started on gravity skateboards and helping encourage him along the way.

      It takes a special mindset to be able to race downhill and stay calm enough to mitigate dangerous situations. According to Daniel Engel, his average speeds on a normal day are around the 45-50 mph range. World Circuit tracks are generally 55 mph and up to around 75 mph. At the Top Speed Challenge in Canada, his friends Tim Del and Max Capps when just over 90 miles per hour. And according to Daniel, there hasn’t been a “speed cap” that’s been reached as of yet. He credits a zen, calm state of mind for his ability to deal with tight situations that arise as he’s racing. He shuts off part of his mind and just enjoys the ride. He says it’s “kind of like flying.”

      He hasn’t always escaped the dangers of his sport. He was recently injured as part of a larger tragic accident at the Downhill Skate World Championship in Rio de Janeiro on 11/11/18. He suffered multiple broken bones, including two breaks near his right knee, his left PCL broken in half, a broken jaw, shattered teeth, a sprained wrist, relocated bones, and organ damage. Tragically, in the same accident, another competitor, Allysson Pastran, lost his life after colliding with an oncoming motorcycle. Daniel was able to return home with the victory of coming in third place in the world yet the win was overshadowed by the dark cloud of losing his friend.

      Fortunate enough to have no head or brain injuries, Daniel is looking forward to taking it easy for the first part of 2019 in order to complete physical therapy and to let his body heal. He’s hoping to attend the Newtons 2019 IDF World Cup April 5th-7th in Bathurst, Australia at Mount Panorama and also possibly compete in the Barcelona World Roller Games, which is a side championship to the International Downhill Federation World Circuit.

      Traveling has got to be one of the best parts of Daniel’s skateboarding career and it sounds like he does it the right way by fully immersing himself in the cultures that he visits. Without big paying sponsors for his particular sport, Daniel travels on a shoestring, but enjoys this way of traveling over the alternative. He’s able to keep loose plans and go with the flow, meeting really interesting people along the way. Some of his favorites of all the places he’s raced have been South Korea, with is beautiful countryside, friendly people and amazing food. Also Australia, where he has tons of good friends and likes seeing all the “critters” they have. But the overall best place in his opinion was Peru. Particularly a town in the Peruvian Andes called Chacas, where the roads, the people, the food and everything around you is amazing.

      With his breadth of knowledge about the downhill skating scene, Daniel does have advice for his fans and kids who might want to give the sport a try; “Put all your weight on your front foot, and if you wobble, get lower and you won’t wobble. You’re welcome.” 

      Daniel winning Yaku Raymi World Cup Peru.

      Daniel Winning in Columbia

      AZHIAZIAM Team Rider Rodrigo Sino Interview (In Portuguese)

      AZHIAZIAM Team Rider Rodrigo Sino Interview (In Portuguese) - Azhiaziam

      AZHIAZIAM has had friends down in Brazil since day one. That is almost 20 years of awesome team work and memories with a hand full of Aerial experts down there in South America. Rodrigo Sino has been on board the entire time. Traveling the Globe surfing the world's best waves and repping AZHIAZIAM along the way. 

      Sino is taking his passion for the brand a step further and will now be the only licensed AZHIAZIAM Retailer in Brazil. A step that we hope opens up the supply chain for all of our friends down in South America to get the AZHIAZIAM Brand easily. 

      Cássio Sanchez, host do LIL MONSTER, recebe Rodrigo Sino, seu amigo de infância e lenda do surf brasileiro. Eles falam sobre surf, Gabriel Medina, Felipe Toledo, video-game e surf trips.

      Shark Attack in Los Osos Montana De Oro California

      Shark Attack in Los Osos Montana De Oro California - Azhiaziam

      Jan 8th 2018

      On a cold Tuesday morning in Los Osos California, surfer Nick Wapner was attacked by a great white shark. The shark coming from behind and getting Wapners board and even a leg in his mouth before letting go. 

      Wapner was extremely lucky with this shark attack as he only suffered a few lacerations requiring 50 stitches. It could have been a lot worse. 

      The shark attack comes just a couple of weeks after a customer showed me a video from a boat just off Montana De Oro, in which a man was baiting sharks into biting a decoy seal just off of the Diablo Nuclear plant. This guy had 7 great white sharks circling his boat and this is only a couple miles from where this attack happened. Since this attack I have talked with the harbor patrol and they confirmed that a guy had been down off Montana De Oro baiting sharks for some kind of tagging or research. 

      My problem with this happening is that if you are teaching sharks to bite decoys of seals and chumming to get more sharks into the area for your "research" you are in essence bringing sharks in closer than they may usually be and also teaching them to bite on things that "look" like a seal that may not actually have all the characteristics they innately go for. You are almost causing a frenzied state for these great whites. 

      I am not saying that this is the cause of this attack, but it does seem odd to coincide with the area that this research was going on and where the shark attack occurred. 

      Los Osos is now the new mecca for great White shark attacks in California, this is the same place where local surfer Kevin Swanson was attacked by a shark and also luckily survived, albeit with a huge chunk taken from his leg. Luckily there was a doctor that happend to be on the beach for Kevin's shark attack and the chunk of flesh from the shark bite was able to be sewn back onto his thigh. 

      Here is the video from December 28th 2014 of Kevin's friend who was surfing with him showing the damage to Kevin's board... 

      It is interesting to note that these attacks happened at very similar times of the year Dec 28th and Jan 8th respectively 2014 and 2019

      All in all, I am glad that both of these guys are ok! Growing up surfing in the area (I did go for a surf after hearing about this recent attack) I definitely feel more vulnerable now that so many attacks are happening in our area. Maybe we need to look into the research practices of the man baiting the sharks closer to where we all love to surf and play in the ocean.

      Link to our INSTAGRAM page post on the Shark attack. 


      Link to Nick Wapners Instagram


      Links to more articles



      Monster Mavericks! FULL GALLERY AZHIAZIAM

      Monster Mavericks! FULL GALLERY AZHIAZIAM - Azhiaziam

       The tow session lasted about 3 hours before the paddle session started, as everyone knows Kai Lenny was the stand out all day. Getting into the biggest and best waves of the day. Then Aaron Gold and Twiggy also took top honors in the paddle session. 

      We made the 3 hour drive home, re grouped and ended up going out to our local slab the next morning. 

      Good times, hope you enjoy the pics! 

      AZHIAZIAM AIR FEST BRAZIL in Praia Brava, Brazil

      AZHIAZIAM AIR FEST BRAZIL in Praia Brava, Brazil - Azhiaziam


      Dec 10th 2018

      AZHIAZIAM AIR FESTIVAL: The competitors put on an awesome Air Show for the hundreds of people on the beach in Praia Brava, Brazil! Thanks to everyone who help put on this event! Check out our instagram page @AZHIAZIAM (LINK BELOW)  for more info on the event, sponsors, links and riders! 

      Last Saturday (8), the AZHIAZIAM Air Festival, Praia Brava, Itajaí (SC). The AIR championship had a different format, in which a roulette determined the maneuver that should be performed by the athletes.

      Among the maneuvers drawn were aerial 360, kerrupt, varial, superman, full rotation, slob grab, stale fish, free, alley oop and double grab.

      Highlights for well-known names such as Yuri Castro, Alan Fendrich, Mickey Bernadoni, Gustavo Schlickmann, Yago Ramos, Petterson Thomaz and Matheus Navarro.

      Check out the gallery registered by Ricardo Freitas, SurfMappers , with the best moments of the event.

      Air Festival 2018


      1 Matheus Navarro
      2 Yuri Castro
      3 Mickey Bernardoni
      4 Yago Ramos

      Expression Session Yago Ramos (aerial 360)

      Best Airplane Yuri Castro (alley oop)


      Dec. 5th from a Brazilian surf news website.

      The forecast is for an air show at Praia Brava in Itajaí this weekend. This is the expectation for the second Air Festival Brava Beach , which will bring together 24 of the country's best aerialists on the Brava waves on Saturday and Sunday, in front of the Hike.

      To raise the bar and test the limits, each heat will be drawn which aerial should be carried out by the competitors. The draw will be done through a roulette wheel with the options of the aerial maneuvers. If no athlete can make the aerial draw, the athlete who gets closer to completing will be the winner. 

      Among the many talents that will be at the Air Festival, the highlights are Matheus Navarro , Petterson Thomaz, Alan Fendrich , Daniel Kuerten, Gustavo Schlikman, Guilherme Tranquili , Pamplona Aminantes, Michelangelo Bernardoni and Yuri Castro. To judge this galley were invited Augustin Mica, Victor Drews and Vinicius D'avila. The championship is supervised by the Surfing Association of Itajaí Beaches - ASPI, which will also assist in the trial.

      Before the grand finale, the Expression Session will be held with the participation of 24 athletes. According to the organization, at this time there will be no interference. It will be the moment of fraternization of surfers.

      The prizes will be distributed to the winners R $ 2,000, as well as kits and a Snapy board for the champion. The public can also win several gifts that will be drawn through the Instagram of the event @airfestivalpraiabrava.

      The first call of the Air Festival will be at 8am with the first battery entering the sea at 9am. The event is expected to end at 6:00 pm and after the awards ceremony, a warm-up will be held at the Hike, preparing the athletes and the general public for the Cosmopolitan Hip Hop, an event held at At Home. The Cosmopolitan Hip Hop will have as attractions Bárbara Muller, Noleis and Kley. On Sunday, the party continues on the Hike and the waves of Praia Brava. from the website NEWS FROM THE SEA